How does one get so good at something? If you have a look at most of the top performers in your entourage you might notice a trend. They have integrated key habits in their daily life. It might … Read the rest
About two months ago, I receive a message from one of my friend from the Antarctica trip. He was organising a surprise birthday party for his now wife for her 30th anniversary in the Pyrenees. This sounded … Read the rest
After three months working with HelpRefugees in Calais, I have a lot to process and, to be honest, I’m not quite ready to write about it yet, so instead, here’s a post about what my life is about … Read the rest
After a few days sleeping and relaxing in Brighton, I feel like I can finally take the time to write something up. As I logged on I realised that almost one month has gone by since I last … Read the rest
You are travelling so you should be out and making the best of it. Or it’s your day off, so you should go out and do something on your endless to-do list. I don’t know about you, but … Read the rest
Sitting on a beach in Calais, with the sun warming my skin and the fresh air from the sea, I’m lost in my thoughts, as one does. I’m surrounded by people on vacation, seemingly oblivious to what’s happening … Read the rest
By now you probably all know I’ve been back in Canada for a while already. And as it was to be expected, it’s been rather interesting, difficult and challenging. Visiting my friends and family, reconnecting and spending time … Read the rest
In our lives, most of us focus on the things we ”need” in order to be happy. And we forget to look at what we already have. I know you are guilty of this!
We all are. Sometimes … Read the rest
When you see something new or meet someone new, you don’t realize it but you pass a judgment. We all do. Every time. Usually, we are not even aware of it.
You see this pretty blonde girl wearing … Read the rest
This Seasoned Chickpeas recipe is by far one of my favourite when I’m in a rush, when I don’t know what to cook or when I need snacks for hiking. I took the original recipe from Deborah Gray’s … Read the rest