It’s funny how timing can work sometimes. Yesterday I wrote about how I felt like I was always reverting to an old version of me every time I came back to Canada. And later on, that night, while … Read the rest
Falling back into the same patterns
Every time I come back to Canada or see people from a previous time in my life, it feels like I revert back to the person I was at that time.
And … Read the rest
Being comfortable is a great feeling.
As per its actual definition, what’s not to like about something ”providing physical ease and relaxation”?
Comfort is important, but it can also prevent us from moving on to even better things.… Read the rest
Some people dream of owning a bigger house. Some dream of becoming the CEO of a business. And others dream of having a big family.
I don’t.
My dreams are a lot different. I dream of exploring the … Read the rest
During my travels, at work and with friends in Dubai, and even within my extended family, I’ve been surrounded with people who believe. They obviously do not necessarily share the same beliefs or the same faith, but most … Read the rest
Reading is my favorite thing to do when I’m not feeling too sure about my life or my choices. If I’m stressed, bored or have a long travel ahead of me, I simply love losing myself in someone … Read the rest
It’s always much easier to play the victim than to take ownership. You know the drill: It’s not my fault, I failed because the exam was too difficult. I don’t have time to cook for myself or … Read the rest
After a little more than a month of relaxing and catching up with my family and friends, I was starting to get anxious. As usual, when I come back to Canada, I’m afraid I will not find the … Read the rest
Over the last year, I have attempted to have some relationships. I call these attempts as they didn’t really work out too well.
In one instance, we seemed to connect to a deeper level, enjoy each others … Read the rest
Is there any stronger emotion that exists?
Of course, there probably is. Fear and love are rather strong (and for me tend to come together…), but to me nothing makes me feel as emotionally drained as guilt.… Read the rest